Who You Are
You are self-critical, flexible, and passionate. You have a desire to grow and try new things, but at the same time, you prioritize being true to yourself. Your stubbornness pushes you to continue to practice your art despite your frustrations. The work you put out into the world reflects your inner being, and you wish for people to appreciate that. You have a light in you that cannot be put out, no matter how much negativity you face each day.
The Struggle
The most common struggle artists have in promoting their work. Whether it be modesty or a lack of knowledge of doing it properly, marketing oneself is the secret to being a successful artist. There are many tools geared at helping artists market online from which you could choose but what you want is a tool that will make sharing your work easier. Having your work be seen by the public can be the most nerve-racking and satisfying experience. You never know who will see your picture, hear your song, read your poem. It could make a difference in someone's life and change how they view art or inspire them to write their novel. Every artist can remember that moment when they created something out of nothing, and it touched someone.
What We Recommend
There are lots of platforms that can help you sell art online. But the first step is getting people to want to buy what you are selling. In this world, that means promoting your work on social media, public events, and every chance you get. Here are some tips on marketing for artists.
- When you are talking about art to someone, leave them with something to show for it. Traditionally, this would be a good time to leave a business card. However, those can get lost easily and end up being a waste of money. Instead, get yourself a digital business card. In that case, you would only need one from which you could share all your contact information instantly. Sharing contact information digitally with a digital business card is always accurate and fast. So you don't have to break focus with your connection.
- Suppose you've chosen to show your art on social media. Growing your following is probably one of your top priorities. It's a good idea to have a lot of engaged followers interacting with your posts. The easiest thing you can do to gain more involved followers shares your social media with supporters you run into every day. It is an even better idea to put links to all of your social media profiles on your digital business card. Now, you won't have any issues with other people remembering your username.
- Selling art online means you have to include electronic payments. Have PayPal and Venmo set up, and don't forget to accept debit and credit cards. Then other people can pay directly from their phone. You can do all that with your digital business card.
- Any business that runs online needs to build an online reputation. Grow your online reputation by asking current clientele to leave a review right after their experience with you. Add your online review portals to your digital business card so customers can instantly leave a review online from their phone.
- How many hours did you spend building your portfolio? Make sure the right people see it by being ready to share your digital portfolio at any time. Put the link to your portfolio on your digital business card, and you will be able to instantly send your portfolio to a person's phone at any time.
The internet has changed everything for artists. Primarily for the better in marketing for artists who want to sell art online. mTap is the perfect tool for artists to share their work, make sales, and build a valuable reputation. Of all the online tools for marketing for artists, mTap provides the most simplistic interaction for artists to drive sales and make valuable connections.